Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5: Sleep

Today, I am thankful for sleep. When I woke up this morning, I immediately knew I wouldn't be going into work.   My head was pounding, my voice non-existent, and I was coughing horribly...thank you sinus infection.  I sent a quick e-mail to my coworkers and boss, took some medicine and went back to sleep.  When I awoke at 1pm, I felt so much better (so maybe I just need to sleep 14 hrs each night :)).  I took a shower, ate a little food, took some more medicine, and slept another 3 hrs.  After sleeping most of the day away, I know I am on the mend.

I've always loved to sleep, which I definitely learned from my mother.  My mom is not a morning person, so everyone knows not to call her before 11am.  She sleeps 10-11 hrs every night.  My bed has always been one of my favorite posessions, but a good night of sleep for me is 7 straight hrs.  I know I need to sleep more (lack of sleep directly affects my migraines and health), but I've always had difficulty falling asleep and sleeping through the night.  Whenever I visit my parent's home, I sleep a lot.  I slept 8-10 hrs almost every night I was there, but I also realize the extra sleep I was getting doesn't make up for all the lack of sleep I normally get. 

This year, one of my goals is get more sleep...approximately 8 hrs a night.  I know getting more sleep will make me sacrifice other things in my life, but I know I will have more energy, be healthier, more productive at work and church, and be happier if I am not tired all the time.

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