Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 12: Long Hot Showers

After a great catch-up session (including dinner, shopping, and laughs) with Barbie at Fashion Valley, I was feeling a little chilled as the weather dropped to below 60 degrees (living in San Diego has it's perks).  All the way home, all I could think about was taking a nice long hot shower.

I love long hot showers...I always have.  I used to get up a half hour earlier than I needed just to take a 30 minute shower in the morning.  As I've gotten older, my showers have become shorter and shorter in the morning because I love sleep, too.  I usually have just enough time to shampoo my hair, wash up, and clean my face (on a good day, I'll even shave my legs). At least once a week, but usually more, I take my shower at night where there isn't a deadline and the water can't get HOT enough. It's absolutely fantastic!!!!

If you haven't taken a nice long hot shower in a while, take a half hour and give it a won't regret it :)

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