Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 39: Jamba Juice

I absolutely adore Jamba Juice smoothies.  I've loved smoothies since I was small when we only made smoothies at home or had Orange Julius (yummy yummy) at Plaza Bonita.  When I was in high school, Jamba Juice was installed at Grossmont Center next to Rubio's (I've already professed my love for Rubio's).  I love strawberry, banana, and orange in my smoothies, as does the rest of my family, so the Citrus Squeeze and Orange-A-Peel became favorites quickly.  I still order those smoothies now even though they aren't even on the menu anymore.  My current favorite isn't even a's like a parfait, but with smoothie ingredients...the Chunky Strawberry Topper.  It's made with strawberries, bananas, peanut butter, and granola. I eat it at least once a week.

I buy Jamba Juice gift cards at Costco every couple months...$50 worth of gift cards for $40, so a 20% discount.  I also love the smoothie kits available at local grocery stores and Costco (my favorite store...a blog coming soon).  I actually don't even make smoothies with them, I just eat the frozen fruit straight out of the bag.  

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